Whetting your appetite

Python is a good choice for automation

  • using C/C++/Java will need libraries and the write/compile/test/re-compile cycle is too slow.
  • make writing testing code less tedious.
  • embed python as an extension language in your application instead of implementing a whole new one.

Python is more comprehensive

  • shell/batch scripts are good at things like moving files
  • faster than C/C++/Java at developing GUI/games
  • Python offering much more structure and support for large programs than shell scripts or batch files
  • Python offers much more error checking than C and it is a very-high-level language

Python is modulization

Python allows you to split your program into modules that can be reused in other Python programs.

Python is an interpreted language

  • Time-saving, because no compilation and linking is necessary
  • interactive mode is very handy

Python is short

  • the high-level data types allow you to express complex operations in a single statement
  • statement grouping is done by indentation instead of beginning and ending brackets
  • no variable or argument declarations are necessary

Python is extensible

  • easy to add new built-in functions or modules writen in C

Why we call it ‘Python’?

By the way, the language is named after the BBC show “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” and has nothing to do with reptiles.

NOT reptiles !!! In fact, it is a comdy group Monty Python