Welcome to ML

AI is the new electricity of the future.

You can apply ML to almost every aspect of the mordern industry, not only the tech.

videos here


  • build your career in the industry
  • grant you the ability to read researching paper and push further


  • base knowledge of computer, like data structures.
  • some knowledge of Probability
  • basic knowledge of Linear Algebra
  • For the homework, we are shifting from Matlab to Python.
  • a study group is recommended(you can have someone to turn to if you have problems)

Honor Code

  • You can discuss the problems with your friends
  • However, you should finally finish all your assignment on your own without referring to any one or any notes.


You can see works of previous students at here

CS229A teach things more applicable than CS229, which do a lot of math, I think I should switch to CS229A😢, but let’s just have a try.

What is Machine Learning?

gives the computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. —–Arthu Samel

Supervise Learning

Given a set of (x,y), find a mapping from x to y, x -> y, x can be mult-dimension.

if you have infinite dimensions of your x, you should take a look at Support Vector Machine

Machine Learning Strategy(Learning Theory)

There are tones of decisions you are asked to make when you do ML, and be able to make the right decision can save you tones of time and arduous work.

Deep Learning

Unsupervise Learning

Given a set of data, without label, only one variable x, let the machine figure out the structures and relations among the data, for example, divide data into groups

Reinforcement Learning

Just like training dogs, you let the dog do what every it like, when it take the behavior you want, you give it a praise, on the other hand, when it misbehavior, you give it a punishment.

Do the same to the machine.