Using the C language and screen display
Add a write memory function
1 | ; add to naskfunc.nas |
Draw something via direct VRAM access in C
1 | void io_hlt(void); |
Use pointer
1 | void HariMain(void){ |
Configuring colors
we can define a mapping between the 8 bit color and 24 bit color
1 | //bootpack.c |
Port 0x3C8
Port 0x3C8, 0x3C9 and 0x3C7 control the DAC. Each register in the DAC consists of 18 bits, 6 bits for each color component. To write a color, write the color index to port 0x3C8, then write 3 bytes to 0x3C9 in the order red, green, blue. If you want to write multiple consecutive DAC entries, you only need to write the first entry’s index to 0x3C8 then write all values to 0x3C9 in the order red, green, blue, red, green, blue, and so on. The accessed DAC entry will automatically increment after every three bytes written. To read the DAC entries, write the index to be read to 0x3C7, then read the bytes from port 0x3C9 in a similar fashion (as with writing, the index will increment after every three bytes read)
Implement low level functions in assembly
1 | [FORMAT "WCOFF"] |
Draw a rectangle
1 | void boxfill8(unsigned char * vram , int xsize , unsigned char c , int x0 , int y0, int x1 , int y1){ |
To use VMware, first add a floppy driver in hardware configuration(you can find an “add” button near the bottom of the window), then just boot from floppy, using the file haribote.img