CMU 15-445/645 (FALL 2021), DATABASE SYSTEMS
This is a course about designing and implementing database system rather than how to use a database system !
If you want to learn how to develop apps with database, go to other courses.
You will build your own database system over the semester, c++17
is used.
What is a Database ?
Organized collection of inter-related data that models some aspect of the real-world.
What is a Database Management System ?
A software which allow applications to store and analyze infomation in a database.
What is a Data Model ?
A collection of concepts for describing the data in database.
- Relational
- Key/Value
- Graph
- Matrix
- …
Relational Model
name | year | country |
Wu-Tang Clan | 1992 | USA |
Notorious BIG | 1992 | USA |
Ice Cube | 1989 | USA |
A relation is an unordered set that contain the relationship of attribute that represent the entities
are attributes used to represent the entityartist
N-ary relaion is the same with A table with N columns
The whole table, including the attributes, is a relation
A set of attribute values(aka domain) in the relation
(Wu-Tang Clan,1992,USA)
is one tupleNULL
is a special value which is a member of every domain
Primary key
A relation’s primary key uniquely identifies a single tuple
is the primary key of relationname, year,country
- some popular DBS automatic create primary key if user do not define one, for example
Foreign key
A foreign key specifies that an attribute from one relation has to map to a tuple in another relation
and album_id
is both foregin key and primary key
DML(Data Manipulate Language)
Methods to store and retrieve information from a database.
The query specify the strategy DBSM should use to find the result
How to retrieve the data, Relational Algebra
The query specify only what data is wanted and do not kown how to find it
What is the data, Relational Calculus
Relational Algebra
Foundamental operations to retrieve and manipulate tuples in a relation, based on the idea of set algebra
- Each operation takes 1 or more relations as input and produce 1 new relation
- We can chain operations to compose complex operation
\sigma \longrightarrow \text{WHERE}
choose a subset of the tuples from a relation that satisfies a selection predicate.
- Predication acts as a filter to retain only tuples that fulfills its qualifying requirement
- Can combine multiple predicates using conjunction/disjunction
1 | SELECT * FROM R WHERE a_id='a2'; |
\pi \longrightarrow \text{SELECT}
generate a relation with tuples that contains only the specified attributes
- can rearrage the order of attributes
- can manipulate the values
1 | SELECT b_id-100,a_id FROM R WHERE a_id ='a2'; |
same with set union
same with set intersection
same with set difference
generate a relation that contain all possible combinations of tuples from the input relations
generate a realtion that contains all tuples that are a combination of two tuples(one from each input relation) with a common value for one or more attributes