
Eigen Vector and Eigen Value

Let’s view matrix like function in calculus

$y = f(x)$, x goes in , $f(x)$ comes out

$y = A\vec{x}$ , $\vec{x}$ goes in, $A\vec{x}$ comes out

Eigen vectors are where $A\vec{x} \parallel \vec{x}$

A\vec{x} = \lambda \vec{x}

Eigen vectors for a matrix $A$ do not change direction after $A$ applied on it

Eigen value is the $\lambda$

How to find Eigen vectors and Eigen value

sum of trace = sum of eigenvalues

product of eigenvalues = determinant

the rank of a matrix can be defined as being the num- ber of non-zero eigenvalues of the matrix



Application of Eigen values and Eigen vectors

Replace a matrix $A$ with a Eigen value $\lambda$



We can also obtain rule for power n

A^n = S \Lambda^n S^{-1}

This is the best way to investigate $A^n$

However, if we want to use this formula, we see that the Eigen vectors must be independent

Theorem : If all Eigen values are different, then the Eigen vectors are independent

Solving recursion


The Eigen value represent the growing speed of $A$ in each direction given by the Eigen vector !