
They are definitely positive

More about symmetric matrixes


Positive Definite Matrixes

Bring the whole course together

  • They are symmetric

  • All Eigen values are positive

  • All pivots are positive

  • All sub-determinants are positive

Test : How can I tell if a matrix is positive definite or not ?

2 by 2 case :

A = \begin{bmatrix} a & b \ b & d \end{bmatrix}

  • Eigen values : $\lambda_1 > 0 \land \lambda_2 > 0 ?$

  • Pivots : $a > 0 \land \frac{ac-b^2}{a} > 0$

  • Sub-determinants : $|a|>0 \land \begin{vmatrix} a & b \ b & d \end{vmatrix}>0$

  • $\vec{x}^T A \vec{x} > 0 $ , $\vec{x}$ should be any vectors(except $\vec{0}$)



Positive definite


Non-positive definite


But it is not easy for us to tell how the graph look like

We see that all quadratic form goes through $(0,0,0)$.

So we only need to see when they go out of the origin, it grows “upwards” in all directions or “downwards” in some directions (The partial derivatives).

And it finally turn out that we only need to look at the directions that Eigen vectors point to.

Connection with calculus

$(0,0,0)$ should be the minimum value for $z=f(x_1,x_2,…,x_n)$

In calculus:
  1. all first order partial derivative = 0

  2. second order partial derivative > 0

In linear algebra
  1. all first order partial derivative = 0

  2. Matrix of second order partial derivate is positive definite

f_{xx}& f_{xy} \
f_{yx} & f_{yy}

Recall that $f_{xy} = f_{yx}$ (so we have 二元无条件极值$\Delta$法)

3 by 3 example




Similar matrixes

$A$ and $B$ are both *n * n matrixes* and they are similar when

\exist M , B = M^{-1} A M

So recall $A = S^{-1} \Lambda S$, so $A$ is similar to $\Lambda$

Why they are “similar”

Similar matrixes all have the same Eigen values

Prof \ \because A\vec{x} = \lambda \vec{x}

\therefore AMM^{-1} \vec{x} = \lambda \vec{x}

\therefore M^{-1}AMM^{-1} \vec{x} = \lambda M^{-1}\vec{x}

\therefore B M^{-1} \vec{x} = \lambda M^{-1}\vec{x}

\therefore let M^{-1}\vec{x} = \vec{x’} ,\text{Eigen vectors for B}

\therefore B\vec{x’} = \lambda \vec{x’}

A and B have the same Eigen value but different Eigen vectors