
Sum of two independent r.v. and Covariance & Correlation

Sum of two independent r.v.


Example : sum of finite normal distributed r.v. is still normal distributed r.v.



how independent r.v. related


In picture 1 , When $X > 0$ , $Y$ also tend to be $> 0$, When $X < 0 $ , $Y$ tend to be $< 0$


cov(X,Y) = E[(X-E[X]) (Y-E[Y])]

covariance indicate how much the two r.v. are related(grow in the same direction)

independent \implies Cov(X,Y) = 0

Cov(X,Y) \not \implies independent


Cov(X,Y) = E[(X-E[X]) (Y-E[Y])]

using linearity


extract constant


\therefore Cov(X,Y) = E[XY]-E[X]E[Y]


Revisit Variance

var(X_1+X_2), \text{for dependent} X_1,X_2

var(X_1 + X_2) = E[(X_1+X_2-E[X_1 + X_2])^2]

By linearity

E[(X_1+X_2-E[X_1 + X_2])^2] = E[(X_1-E[X_1] + X_2 - E[X_2])^2]

= var(X_1)+var(X_2)+2Cov(X,Y)

Correlation Coefficient

dimensionless version of covariance

We need a way to quantify how much are two r.v. are related or not

Standard Deviation

square root of variance

\sigma_X = \sqrt{var(X)}


\rho(X,Y) = E[\frac{X-E[X]}{\sigma_X}\frac{Y-E[Y]}{\sigma_Y}]=\frac{Cov(X,Y)}{\sigma_X \sigma_Y}


  • $-1 \le \rho \le 1$

  • $\rho(X,X) = 1 , \rho(X,-X) = -1$

  • $|\rho(X,Y)|=1 \iff X-E[X] = C(Y-E[Y])$ C is constant

  • $\rho(aX+b,Y) = sign(a) \times \rho(X,Y)$ when doing linear transformation, how much the two r.v. are related will not change, only the sign changes


Correlation coefficient does NOT mean the two r.v. influence each other. It often reflect that there is a underlying, common, hidden factor influence both the two r.v.

For example, let X be a person’s musical ability and Y be the person’s math ability. $\rho(X,Y)$ is high doesn’t mean that you study math hard will also make you a good musician, it indicate that musical ability and math ability might both controlled by the same area of a person’s mind.